Coach's Corner
FHS Tigers Baseball
Head Coach Matthew Cherry
Tiger Baseball Family:
Welcome to Tiger Baseball!
Please take time to read through all of the information below. I apologize for the length, but there is a lot to share as we start the year. If you have any questions, then please don’t hesitate to ask. We are looking forward to getting started with our off-season workouts.
Athletic Physical – Before an athlete can participate in our off-season workouts, they must have a hard copy IHSAA Athletic Physical on file in the Athletic Office that is dated after April 1, 2024. Here is the form that must be completed by a physician https://www.ihsaa.org/Portals/0/ihsaa/documents/quick%20resources/2020-21%20Physical%20Form.pdf?ver=2020-01-17-154323-640. If you participated in the FHS Physical Night in April, then you have already completed this paperwork.
Final Forms (Registration for Sports) - FHS Sports Registration must be completed by creating an account through Final Forms at https://hamiltonsoutheastern-in.finalforms.com/. You will still need to turn in a hard copy of your Physical to the Athletic Office, but this online form must also be completed before an athlete can participate in our off-season workouts. IMPORTANT: Parents, please makes sure to “tag” BASEBALL when completing Final Forms. After Parents complete their part of Final Forms, there is a PLAYER SIGNOFF that the Player must complete to finalize their registration.
Tiger Baseball Calendar – The Tiger Baseball Calendar can be found at this link https://fisherstigersathletics.com/tigers-baseball-calendar/. This is a tentative 12-Month Calendar that is updated at the beginning of every month.
Dugout Club – Parent Booster Club meets at 7pm on the 2nd Monday of every month in the LGI Room. You should have started to receive emails from Dugout Club. If you are not receiving Dugout Club emails, then please email fishersdugoutclub@gmail.com to let them know. At the September meeting, the Dugout Club will elect the Scholarship Chair and individual Class Reps (Senior, Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman). If interested in serving in these roles, then please email the Dugout Club at the address above.
I believe this is all for now. Please let me know if you have any questions!